the good donut

"The best donut is a free donut. The next best donut is the next free donut"

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Pictures really don't do it justice. The scale is so much larger than you would think. The Soviet influenced Tienanmen Square is in stark contrast to the Forbidden City across the street.
I have never been around a more gracious and friendly people. They are all very willing to help out a foreigner (or have their picture taken with the foreigner's blond haired son).
Today we are in Nanchang and will be getting our baby. It is a very exciting time but I can't help but feel a little sad as I think that: while I am writing this she is being removed from everything she has ever known.It is not just our lives but her's that will be changed forever.
We are thankful for all who are praying for us and look forward to seeing you again. Our website should be updated soon with pictures.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Independance Day

It seems ironic to me that on this 4th of July I will be on a plane to Communist China. At the time of the Tiananmen Square uprising I was as involved in the Cold War as a person could be, serving onboard a Fleet Balistic Missile submarine. While our activities were more directed at the Soviets I vividly remember the events of the April/June 1998 and the lone individual standing down a column of tanks.

In two days I will be staying in a hotel across the street from that iconic event. As I read statements like, "Forbiden Items: Print, film, photo, disk, movie, tape, videotape, videodisc, laser disk, computer storage medium and other objects, which are harmful to Chinese politics, economy, culture and morality" I feel so fortunate that I don't live under that kind of scrutiny. But I am also greatful that I can live in complete freedom.

For you have been called to live in freedom--not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love. Gal 5:13

I hope that this independence day you are able to claim the freedom that God gives.