the good donut

"The best donut is a free donut. The next best donut is the next free donut"

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I have to admit I am more than a bit confused over the Muslim cartoon rioting. I have seen the illustrations and I guess if I were a Muslim I would find some of them offensive. I guess I don’t know enough about Islam to know why such a response is warranted. Being a Christian I am not out rioting over the current issue of Rolling Stone, though I do find it extremely offensive.

Why is it O.K. to offend one religion (or any people group) and not another? It is almost in vogue to make Christians the butt of jokes but one must never do the same to Muslims.

Freedom of the press or freedom of speech does not mean freedom from responsibility. We ought not to be going around being controversial just to get publicity.

If Muslims have a problem being associated with terrorist then terrorist should probably stop going around blowing up things and beheading people in the name of Islam.


  • At 5:16 AM, Blogger - said…

    agree. extremist muslims are the ones giving their religion a bad rep and it is they who need to do something about media's portrayal of muslims and islam.

  • At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't buy the garbage about the Muslim's faith being taken over by the "Radicals". Islam is a very radical and violent religion by the virtue of its own teachings and doctrines. The "Radical" Muslim's are the one's who are preaching peace, love and diversity. I do agree that Christianity is being treated more and more like a social plague.

  • At 4:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Please. Your last remark is just plain mean (I assume that is NOT part of your Christianity?). Shall I email you EVERY SINGLE DAY when an atrocious crime is commited by a christian? You do not associate with all these, do you? (Think about all the christans molesting little children p.e.). These things are NOT part of Christianity OR Islam, but are the result of some very sick minds. Seeing all muslims as the enemy is part of the problem. Please be part of the solution by loving other people (just like Jesus).


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