Verse of the Day
About Me
- Name: P Keener
- Location: Washougal, Washington, United States
I was born and grew up in the Northwest. I joined the Navy after high school and trained in nuclear power. After 6 years in the Navy, 4 years of which were spent serving on Submarines, I got out and started a career in facilities maintenance. I met my wife, Kris, the fall of 1999 and we were married a year later. Our son, Noah, was born 11 months after that. My daughter, Kaara was born in Jiangxi Province, PRC. July 7, 2004 and came to be with us July 10, 2005
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Previous Posts
- Miss July
- China Public Restroom Has 1,000 Stalls
- Video of the Week 7/4
- Baby-Sitting in the Modern Era
- Video of the Week 6/27
- Drinking Water Facts
- Quote of the Week 6/25
- Quote of the Week 6/17
- Two thirds of Chinese cities' water, air polluted
- Quote of the Week 6/10
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At 10:29 PM, Brad said…
In an odd twist of turns...
In a system...
If I turn the tap off (here in the US) there will be less fresh water consumed and less waste water to clean.
As a result, fewer sanitation workers and even fewer water works employees will be needed.
As a result, the unemployment rate will increase.
As a result fewer people will have a steady income to donate to needy causes such as money to build wells in Africa (etc).
It's a no win...
At 8:26 AM, P Keener said…
I totally agree.
That is what makes this such a hard issue. Conservation (in the US) isn't necessarily the answer. The simple fact is we have an abundance of water in most places (and a shortage means we can't have a lawn or if we do we are limited to watering it on odd days) and an economy that can make the Clean Water Act a reality.
I can buy a hybrid, use compact flouresent bulbs, recycle and have an impact on the global ecology by consuming less energy.
However, if I don't water my lawn I have a marginal impact on the ecology of Camas (some might argue not watering has a negative impact)and no impact what so ever on Beaverton, Beijing or Darfur.
Thanks for the comment. I am actually going to be posting more in the future on the subject of global water issues.
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