the good donut

"The best donut is a free donut. The next best donut is the next free donut"

Monday, July 16, 2007

Quote of the Week 7/16

The average amount of water used daily by one person living in Ethiopia, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Gambia, Mali, Mozambique, Tanzania or Uganda equals that used by someone in a developed country brushing his teeth with the tap running.

Jemimah Noonoo in Newsweek July2/July9, 2007 issue


  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger Brad said…


    In an odd twist of turns...

    In a system...

    If I turn the tap off (here in the US) there will be less fresh water consumed and less waste water to clean.
    As a result, fewer sanitation workers and even fewer water works employees will be needed.
    As a result, the unemployment rate will increase.
    As a result fewer people will have a steady income to donate to needy causes such as money to build wells in Africa (etc).

    It's a no win...


  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger P Keener said…


    I totally agree.

    That is what makes this such a hard issue. Conservation (in the US) isn't necessarily the answer. The simple fact is we have an abundance of water in most places (and a shortage means we can't have a lawn or if we do we are limited to watering it on odd days) and an economy that can make the Clean Water Act a reality.

    I can buy a hybrid, use compact flouresent bulbs, recycle and have an impact on the global ecology by consuming less energy.

    However, if I don't water my lawn I have a marginal impact on the ecology of Camas (some might argue not watering has a negative impact)and no impact what so ever on Beaverton, Beijing or Darfur.

    Thanks for the comment. I am actually going to be posting more in the future on the subject of global water issues.


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